
University students’ personality profile based on Casta & MaCrea Five factor theory

Background & Objectives: Personality as a determinant can influence all human behaviors in personal & social life areas & sometimes as a result of incompatible traits & characteristics, the person & his/her relatives face him/her with a serious problem. Therefore, this study has been conducted to identify students’ personality types in Mazandaran medical university in 2011.

Methods: This is a descriptive & cross- sectional research whose community under study includes all Mazandaran medical science university students in 2011. To perform the research, a Costa & McCrea 5- factor personality questionnaire was used & the collected data was analyzed through Spss V19 software & using descriptive methods & also analytic procedures including statistical tests as t- tests, k2, manvitni & one- way variance analysis.

Findings: The psychoneurotic personality type score was almost equal in health care, nursing & medical faculties and less than the other 3 faculties. And in extrovert type, dentistry students were more extrovert than the paramedic ones & the pharmacy students were more extrovert than the other ones. Open- mindedness & conscientiousness personality score was higher in nursing students than the other faculties.

Conclusion: Personality as a whole makes a person distinguished from others and everyone has his/her own unique traits. Thus, to know ( recognize) a person’s personality types and his/her environmental pattern in order to utilize knowledge on personality types & environmental models for predicting some result of such matching’s such as career, occupational changes, career success, personal qualification, educational & social behavior is inevitable


Abedi G. , Mohammadi A., Mohammadi , Alizadeh A, Hosseini H , Rostami F

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