Background: Tribal health is matter of concern in India. The problem of anaemia is very rampant in this population. All the health problem in tribals are complicated by presence of Sickle Cell Disorders which has a presence in tribal communities of Central India. These problems are severe in tribal children. So this study was undertaken in Residential Tribal schools.
Objectives: (1) To find prevalence of Sickle Cell Disorders in Residential Tribal School students (2) To find the prevalence of anaemia in them (3) To study their nutritional status with reference to above findings
Material and Methods: The study was conducted in July-August 2009 in 908 students studying in two different Residential Tribal Schools in Central India. Every individual was screened for Sickle Cell Disorder by performing solubility test on finger prick sample of blood. Those subjects found positive on screening were subjected to Hb electrophoresis. Hb estimation wasdone by Cynmethaemoglobin method. Other information was recorded on pretested pro forma by trained investigators. Data was analyzed by appropriate statistical methods.
Results: Sickle Cell Disorder was present in 6.28% of study subjects. (7.99% in boys and 2.20% in girls) Prevalence of anaemia was 89.75%. (28.31% mild, 29.40% moderate, 32.04% severe anaemia) In boys, 87.69% students were anaemic while in girls 91.91% students were anaemic. All subjects with sickle cell disorder were anaemic.
Conclusions: Sickle Cell disorders has wide spread presence in different tribes of Central India. Problem of anaemia is long lasting and severe and is more in case of girls