
Pregnant Women Life Quality Concept & Phenomenology

Life quality is a multi-lateral concept which should be analyzed from different aspects and angles. The present research is a study of the life quality concept and phenomenology of pregnant women visiting Sari-based health & treatment center in 2010. This research was performed with a phenomenological approach on 25 pregnant ladies in their 4th month to 9th month of pregnancy, during 51 sessions visiting health & treatment center in Sari. Data was collected via semi- structured interviews. Upon verification and correction of extracted data, thematic codes were drawn. Besides, the health & treatment centers excerpter’s comments during two discussion sessions with the experts from head-quarters were obtained and family health suggestions were given afterwards. Participants considered special meanings for appropriate care, having enough information, physical health, psychological health, social health, accessing facilities and resources sufficiency regarding their experiences. Life quality is a subjective assessment & people themselves are the best judges about their living quality. But sometimes there are conditions that make this judgment difficult. In these special cases, health care providers & experts group are able to give all meaning a unique termination.

Author(s): Abedi G , Babamiri F , Rostami F

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