
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Insecticide Treated Nets in Myanmar

Introduction: In Myanmar, malaria problem has become more critical with the development of multi-drug resistance in P. falciparum. This development made the governments to focus their attention for building up vector control program based upon selective spraying, personal protection method, including Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) that can be carried out by the communities

Objectives: The present study is aimed to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of community on ITN in Myanmar.

Research Methdology: A cross-sectional descriptive study was done in 16 villages. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was used with face to face interview to 256 randomly selected households. Only one adult person was interviewed per household.

Results: The study results showed that more than three-fifth (62.1%) of the study population had low knowledge level on malaria and ITNs uses and some misconceptions regarding the mode of transmission of malaria. About two-thirds of the study respondents had low attitude score on malaria prevention and use of ITNs. There is significant association between knowledge and attitude level of respondents and their educational status.

Conclusion: This study show that there is a need for increasing availability of information on ITN and ITN tablets to prevent malaria transmission in the study township.

Author(s): San San Oo , Zay Soe , Wana Hla Shwe

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