Introduction: Increased level of histamine plays an important role in various manifestations of immediate type hypersensitivity reactions which prevail in HIV infected patients. However, there are not many studies about histamine in HIV infection.
Objective: To study histamine level in HIV infected patients on different stages according to CD-4 cells level. Method: Ninety patients were included in our study; 64 of them were HIV infected patients in the ages between 21 and 54 years old (45 women, 19 men), other 26 were healthy individuals. All patients were divided into 3 groups depending on the level of CD-4 lymphocytes. Histamine analysis was done by the method of Meshyarikova S.A. with the spectrofluorimeter -F96 (LTD China)
Result: All HIV infected patients, irrespective of CD-4 cells count had histamine level higher than in control group, on average 1.294 mcmol/L with individual variation between 0.675-2.21 mcmol/L. Comparison of histamine levels of various groups of HIV infected patients has shown the greatest increase in the group of patients with CD-4 cell count more than 500 cells/mm3. Level of the histamine was decreasing as CD-4 cell count was falling. The highest level of histamine 1.77+0.07 mcmol/L was found in patients aged 40 to 54. The level of histamine remains increased irrespective of ARV therapy.
Conclusion: The revealed increased histamine level in HIV infected patients allows us to conclude that histamine plays a certain part in pathogenesis of HIV infection. An application of histamine receptor blocking medications has its ground in the management of HIV infection and should be considered during the course of treatment.