
Hypophysis-thyroid regulation features at different professional law-enforcement officer groups

Introduction: The law and order authority service including military are characterized with higher physical exercises and psychoemotional stress that result in forming specific functioning of regulation system in organism. Endocrine system (hypothalamus – hypophysis – thyroid or hypothalamus – hypophysis – adrenal axis etc.) provides increasing or decreasing of organism stability and depends from environment and life activity. In army the processes of long-term adaptation are activated. Under this circumstances the hormones (including thyroid) changes biosynthetic organization processes. During long-time effects of severe factors in hypothalamus – hypophysis – thyroid regulation system occurred changes that reflect in other regulatory mechanisms. This changes results in natural adaptation reactions in energy metabolism, total metabolism in tissues and organs. In consideration of endocrine system importance, social factors in adaptation forming the investigation of hormonal levels in different conditions are actual scientific and practical problem.

Objective: The aim of our investigation is analysis of hormonal supplying by hypophysis – thyroid regulation system at different law-enforcement officer groups in dependence from professional stress.

Method: The two healthy men group (130 persons), aged 23-35 years that living in Archangelsk (Russia) were investigated. The first group is Ministry of Home Affairs law-enforcement officers, but second group is civilians unrelated to law-enforcement service. In according to professional occupation the first group was divided in three categories. In first category were combatants that send on a mission to Caucasus (Chechen, Ingush Republics) for maintenance of law order. The mission duration was 3 month. The total number of missions to war conflict territories in all service life was 2-3 times. The investigation of combatants were doubly: before 2 day from mission to war conflict territory and in 2 days after returning to principal place of service (Archangelsk city, Russia). The second category of law-enforcement officers includes law-enforcement school students. At last, the third group consists from policemen that maintain law order in territory without war conflict and never take part in combat mission. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health Vol. 4 No. 5 (2012) 708 The fasting blood samples from ulnar venous were exercise at all people. The blood serum thyrotrophic hormone (TSH), thyroxin (?4) and triiodothyronine (?3) were determined by enzymoimmunoassay (commercial assay kit “Monobind Inc.” USA). The database was analyzed statistically by computer programme (SPSS 15.0). The significance critical level (p) in check of statistic hypothesis was taken low than 0.05 but 0.1≤p>0.05 estimated as tendency. For estimation of universe distribution we used Shapiro-Wilk normality test that revealed abnormal distribution in all groups. In connection with it comparative analysis of means provided by nonparametric criterions: for dependent samples (combatants before and after mission) we used Wilcoxon criterion, but for independent samples (combatant – students – policemen – civilians) we used Mann-Whitney criterion.

Result: Analyses of our results are shown that hormonal levels at all persons were in normal physiological limits. Together with it, we revealed significant differences of hypophysis and thyroid gland serum hormonal means between comparative groups as for dependent samples well as for independent samples. The maximal blood serum TSH mean were detected at before mission combatants and in law-enforcement school students, but minimal this ne index were at policemen and civilians. The blood serum thyroid hormones (thyroxin and triiodothyronine) in different groups of law-enforcement officers are vary in dependence from professional stress. At law-enforcement school students and before mission combatants a ?4 were minimal in comparison with policemen and after mission combatants. In this time as to ?3 were revealed counterpositions that’s law-enforcement school students and before mission combatants have maximal levels but policemen and after mission combatants – minimal levels.

Conclusion: The revealed differences of endocrine system indexes in law-enforcement officer group with intense load are probable adaptive reactions to extreme professional factors. This one provides optimal physiological adjustments to military stress etc.

Author(s): Koubassov R. , Barachevsky Yu. , Yuriev Yu.

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