
Environmental and Socioeconomics Factors Associated with Cases of Cinical Filariasis in Banyuasin District of South Sumatera, Indonesia

Background: Filariasis is a tropical chronic desease due to mic rofilariae and spread by mosquitoes bites of Aedes, Mansonia, Anopheles, Culex and Armigeres . In the year of 2012 there was 142 cases of clinical filariasis in Banyu asin districts. The case of filariasis spread by many environmental factors especially swamp wate r and pool area with many water plants. The other factors are socio-economics and b ehavioral community. Aim and Objectives: The objectives of the research was to determine the environmental factors, such as swamp or pool in Banyuasin distric ts, and socio-economic factors that may cause of filariasis. Methods : This research was an analytic survey approach with a case control study. The population of this research were all of a case of f ilariasis in Banyuasin districs in 2012. The cases of these research and the controls were 132 r espondents. The ratio of cases to the controls were 1: 1. The Data was taken by observati on and interview. After the collect the data, it was analyzed by using the chi-square test and logistic regression. Results : Bivariate analysis by chi-square test showed that f rom 6 variables, there were 3 variables were probes to be the risk factors of fil ariasis at Banyuasin districts, which are: existance of swamp or pool water area with p value = 0.004 and OR = 4.348 , education of the respondent with p value = 0.034 and OR = 5.714, the level of knowledge with p value = 0.003 and OR = 4.667. Conclusion : Environmental factors with many water plants such a s swamp or pool water area, the education and level of knowledge may caus e of filariasis. It is necessary to perform health promotion and extend the information related to filariasis.

Author(s): Ibrahim Edy Sapada, Chairil Anwar, Salni, Dwi PutroPriadi

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