
Alcohol Epidemic: Do hospital staff have the knowledge to curtail this?

Introduction: Alcohol misuse can be improved with health promotion by frontline staff, however they need to be knowledgeable about intervention strategies.

Objective: To explore alcohol knowledge of frontline staff in a hospital serving an area with higher than average alcohol related harm levels.

Method: 265 staff completed a questionnaire survey exploring baseline knowledge of alcohol content in beverages and interventions for reducing consumption.

Result: 19% correctly stated the alcohol content across all beverages in the questionnaire. 51% of the cohort underestimated the alcohol content, and 11% had no knowledge of alcohol units.

Conclusion: Alcohol knowledge amongst frontline staff is poor, further training in this area is paramount to ensure alcohol reduction interventions are delivered effectively at the point of care.

Author(s): Kwong E , Gardiner N , Chatterjee M , McCrea D

Abstract | Full-Text | PDF

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