Introduction: Mothers who have always been succumbed by various physical, mental and social problems since long. It’s the one group of society who always been on the edge of sward. This all above leaded to various maternal problems included high maternal mortality ratio and deprived health services, especially in developing countries like India. But over the time government has made lot of efforts to revert this pathetic condition of mothers. And in pursuance of this govt. has started number of programmes and schemes to make the mothers counted. One of such scheme is Janani Suraksha Yojna (JSY) a safe motherhood intervention started in 2005 with the objective to bring down the MMR by promoting institutional deliveries, decline in domiciliary delivery, increase in ANC registration & checkups, TT immunization etc. so they are the performance (MCH) indicators of the scheme which if anytime get analyzed can provide us at least some sort of clue about the performance of scheme over the time. Same was tried to pave out in this study with the objective of: • To desk review various secondary data which is directly or indirectly related with JSY. • To assess the impact of JSY on various MCH indicators.
Material and Methods: A desk review was done by collecting various secondary data and later on it was processed and analyzed by manually along with suitable statistical software.
Results: There has been significant rise in the No. of institutional deliveries after inception of JSY which was around 32744 (48.8%) in 2003-04 on the other hand it was counted around 36589 (50%) and 36045 (73.1%) in year 2006-07 & 2007-08 respectively.In the same way like above ANC registrations have got increased and MMR brought down.
Conclusion: JSY has worked in accordance with objectives it was started in 2005 then. It played vital role in the reduction of MMR. So Govt. should try to launch more and more schemes like JSY to make the mothers life safe and fruitful.